How to make SEO Articles Complete, Free Youtube SEO
How to make SEO Articles – What is SEO? SEO mentor from Search Engine Optimization, A blogger and youtuber must know and learn SEO. Without using SEO techniques, the content they have is difficult on the first page of Google.
Learning SEO is mandatory for bloggers and YouTubers to increase visitor traffic and get expensive advertisements when installed on Google AdSense ads. Try you pay attention to the website / site that is on the first page of google on average using SEO.
Some bloggers and YouTubers sometimes have their content on the front page of Google because they are unknowingly applying SEO techniques. Maybe because it just happened that their content was interesting and the sentence arrangement was easily read by the Google algorithm.
How to Make SEO Articles
Remember, the Google algorithm is always updated, you have to follow the latest Google ads and that definitely affects SEO. Masters have shared basic SEO techniques for sites and youtube, so don’t be lazy to browse for ways to make the latest SEO articles.
Okay, we will share how to create a complete 2019 SEO article, Youtube SEO free for beginners. For bloggers, you need to pay attention in applying the SEO blog 2022
Use sentences that are easily understood by readers and Google search engines. Do not use twirling or repetitive sentences because search engines do not like it, including the bing search engine, yandex, duckduckgo.
The preamble in the article is allowed as long as it’s still in 1 discussion, many bloggers are careless and make important articles more than 500 words, it’s wrong. Search engines don’t like that, it’s better to refer directly to the discussion according to the title.
In the first paragraph to paragraph 4 in the article the blogger always discusses according to the title, because the first paragraph to paragraph four is checked by the search engine. For further ado at the end of the paragraf.
Every paragraph is attempted to use keywords that are often used by people in searching for something in the search engine. The keyword you can see in Searches related is located at the bottom of the page, sometimes related Searches appear in the field do not appear.
This template is always forgotten by bloggers, bloggers usually only rely on attractive and beautiful appearance without paying attention to the template in the SEO category or not. Well, this is not noticed by bloggers.
If the template that you use is the result of the purchase, aka the premium template, make sure that the template is SEO and there is already an adsense ad widget slot available. The template is free, not all are not powered, there are several free templates so don’t worry.
Pagespeed this function is only to spoil visitors, with the speed of processing the site, visitors will not hesitate to return to visit your site. If your site is heavy to load, surely the end will not return to your site and the ad will no longer appear.
Reduce widgets that are not used and not useful so that the pagespeed of your site is quickly loaded. And always compress photos and videos if uploaded in the article.
Backlinks aren’t really that important if your site is old, search engines prefer organic visitors compared to visitors coming from baclink or social media. For young sites, snag backlinks are important for increasing search engine confidence.
Pay attention to the backlink referrals, if the backlinks come from sites that violate it is better to just leave the backlink even though the site can increase traffic. The risk is that your site will be deindexed.
How to make SEO Youtube
1. Title
This title is very important, use a title that makes the prospective audience curious. Remember, make prospective viewers curious rather than clickbait. Keep using the title that matches the content, don’t differ from the content so that the viewer doesn’t report to Google, if that happens your youtbe channel is suspended.
2. Thumbnail
Use interesting thumbnails, thumbnail images to make prospective viewers curious and if possible put the writing on the thumbnail with the writing makes curious. This, which is often done by masters, has subscribed to millions.
3. Video
Videos must be interesting, if you upload interesting videos, make sure the audience will subscribe to your channel. If your video is less attractive the audience will not subscribe to your channel.
The videos that people like the most in 2019 are funny youtube videos, automotive, lifestyle, presidential debate, and tutorials. Choose one and concentrate on one category in one channel.
From the basic SEO techniques above, try it all, we believe your content will be many visitors and get expensive advertisements. We only share tips and tips for those of you who are beginners, for mastah please comment if there are errors in the 2019 SEO technique above. thank you.