5 Benefits of Ornamental Plants at Home

Benefits of Ornamental Plants at Home – Not only can refreshing the house in the house, in fact there are several other benefits of ornamental plants that are good for you, starting from increasing concentration and productivity up to 15%, reducing stress, and improving mood.

In addition, according to research by NASA shows that displaying ornamental plants in the house can eliminate 87 percent of air toxins in 24 hours.

However, it is important to remember because most plants emit carbon dioxide at night, so it is not good to display large amounts of ornamental plants in your room or bedroom.

5 Benefits of Ornamental Plants at Home

5 Benefits of Ornamental Plants at Home

Foto : Amazon

Make sure to display ornamental plants with a decent amount and right so that the benefits obtained are much better. Here are some of the benefits of ornamental plants that you can get;

1. Decorate the Room

One of the benefits of ornamental plants at home is that it can make even the most innocent room look fresh, even with just one plant. Currently, there are several indoor plants that are popular with many people because of their beautiful shapes, such as Monstera, Philodendron, Parisian Lilies, and so on.

However, you do not have to spend deeply because even simple indoor plants will still look attractive when placed in a unique container. From vases, hanging pots, vintage furniture, to terrarium containers or kokedama, to Japanese-made moss balls that can be hung for decoration.

2. Can Revitalize and Purify the Air

Even though in a room, in fact air pollution cannot be avoided just like that. Therefore, the benefits of these ornamental plants are able to absorb gases that pollute the air in the room, especially during the day so that the air breathed is more sterile and good for health.

In addition, ornamental plants in the room can also increase air humidity which can prevent breathing problems, coughing, and sore throats, then cool the room in summer, and warm the room in winter. Also check the importance of home fire insurance during the holidays here.

3. Preventing Disease

If you often feel unwell or feel unwell in the office, you may experience sick building syndrome, which is a symptom of diseases such as headaches and respiratory problems that commonly attack office workers.

The reason is that the office environment is less conducive such as poor ventilation, high levels of carbon dioxide in one room, to the effect of air conditioning (AC). The benefits of ornamental plants in the room can stabilize the heart rate, help with breathing problems, to reduce stress and anxiety to increase productivity.

4. Make Sleep Better

At night most plants produce carbon dioxide. However, there are several benefits of ornamental plants such as orchids, aloe vera, succulents, tongue-in-law, and yellow palm that can convert carbon dioxide into oxygen at night so that makes your sleep more soundly.

In addition, some other plants such as jasmine, lavender, and gardenia can also help you sleep more easily if you put it in your bedroom because it has a soothing aroma that can make the mind become more relaxed.

5. Overcoming Stress and Depression

The benefits of ornamental plants can be self-relaxation which is believed to be able to cope with stress and depression after a day of activities.

Studies show that touching plant leaves for 2 minutes can reduce stress levels. In addition, caring for plants can also be a way to fight depression because it will foster motivation and provide satisfaction when seeing plants being treated begin to grow.

So, 5 Benefits of Ornamental Plants at Home

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